Seltmann – The Famous Die Young

CHF 35.00 inc. VAT/MwSt/TVA

From Al Capone to Frank Zappa. The Famous Die Young. 365 Legenden und ihre zu kurzen Lebensgeschichten. Sie sind Pioniere ihres Fachs, wahre Genies, mutige ­Erfinder, gefeierte Stars, gefallene ­Helden, ­tapfere Kämpfer, verarmte ­Denker, aussergewöhnliche Sportskanonen und ­musikalische Ausnahme­talente.

⭐️ Rabatt für Profis


Artikelnummer: SL_FDY Kategorie: Schlagwörter: , ,
  • Beschreibung


    From Al Capone to Frank Zappa. The Famous Die Young.
    365 legends and their life stories that are too short.

    They are pioneers in their field, true geniuses, courageous inventors, celebrated stars, fallen heroes, brave fighters, impoverished thinkers, extraordinary sports enthusiasts and exceptional musical talents.

    And they all have one thing in common: They die far too young, often in spectacular ways. 365 days of death, 365 exciting short biographies. The inspiring daily calendar is illustrated by artists from all over the world. A must for anyone looking for that daily dose of motivation.

    Editors Philipp Behrends, Eleonore Asmuth,
    Julia Henningsen, Oliver Seltmann
    Art direction Stefan Küstner
    Volume 370 pages, 365 images
    Format 11.5 × 16 cm
    Extra high quality box with tear-off calendar and
    sturdy cardboard stand + “facts and figures” booklet
    Language: German
    ISBN 978-3-946688-66-2
    Release date September


    11.5 x 16 cm

    Net weight



    370 pages, 365 images

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